10 Signs Death Is Near in Dementia: What to Expect

10 signs death is near dementia

Dementia is a progressive and debilitating disease that affects millions worldwide. As the disease progresses, therefore, it may be hard for caregivers or loved ones to identify the approach of the end of life. Understanding the 10 signs death is near dementia may help families prepare for this phase, offer support, and let their loved one receive appropriate care and comfort.

The article brings forth the signs that are our guide to know that death is near in dementia.

10 Signs Death Is Near In Dementia: Signs of Transition

1. Increased Confusion and Delirium

Once dementia progresses well into its final stages, you may notice increased confusion and delirium in the person. Commonly, there is an increased disorientation to every familiar face and surroundings. This increased confusion is one of the frequent signs of impending death in dementia due to the deteriorating cognitive function of the brain.

2. Decreased Communication Ability

One of the common 10 signs death is near dementia is that verbal communication greatly decreases. People may no longer be able to speak at all but strain to find words, communicate only through gestures, or use facial expressions. It is sad to see such a loss in communication, but more than anything, this is, in fact, indicative of a shutdown by the body.

3. Withdrawal from Social Interaction

People with advanced stages of dementia tend to withdraw into themselves in front of others. They will appear to be less interested in conversations around them or will not answer questions and/or not make eye contact. This is one of the indicator symptoms that the person is entering the terminal phase of life as they become more inward-focused.

4. Changes in Breathing Patterns

One symptom that death is near in dementia includes changes in breathing. You may notice very long intervals between breaths, a pattern of breathing known as Cheyne-Stokes breathing, or shallow and rapid breathing. Such breathing is often associated with gurgling sounds, also referred to as the “death rattle,” which just goes to show how the body is unable to maintain the functions of the body well. This is one of the 10 signs death is near dementia.

5. Loss of Appetite and Thirst

People suffering from dementia will often, when life is drawing to a close, show little interest in eating and drinking. It is now that the body needs less energy, and it will start slowing down the digestive system. Refusal of food and drinks is part of the dying process, and forcing them to eat and drink could lead to discomfort.

6. Decreased Mobility

Another sign that shows proximity to death due to dementia is reduced or no mobility at all. In dementia, people mostly spend their days in bed once their muscles and strength that enabled them to walk start to wear away. They may require assistance with merely getting them up into a seated position or even adjusting their body positions; prolonged positioning brings pressure sores.

7. Weight Loss and Muscle Wasting

Unexplained weight loss and visual muscle wasting are common in the final stages of dementia. The body, now beginning to conserve energy, the appetite diminished; the once active person may appear frail and emaciated as the body prepares for the end.

8. Increased Fatigue and Sleep

The people who are about to die usually get fatigued and spend most of their time sleeping. Sometimes, they may be awake during the day but in small phases. They may also be unresponsive or drowsy during this wakeful time. This increased sleep is a sign that the body is slowly shutting down, which is one of the 10 signs death is near dementia.

9. Changes in Skin Color and Temperature

As systems of the body begin to shut down, circulation of blood slows and leads to striking changes in skin color and temperature. The extremities become cool to the touch, and a bluish or purplish discoloration may be observed. These types of changes are a physical indicator that death is imminent in dementia and reflect that the body is no longer functioning effectively.

10. Incontinence and Loss of Control

By this stage of dementia, many people have lost all control and use of their bladder and bowels. This is a documented sign, one that usually signals a terminal stage of dementia-the muscles used for these functions simply weaken. The caregiver should be prepared to handle this aspect of care with dignity and as much compassion as possible.


Knowing the 10 signs death is near dementia helps families and caregivers afford the respective care and support in the most gentle way. While never easy, taking into consideration such signs can be comforting and provide guidance in knowing what to expect regarding the decline of a loved one.

As the time of death draws near, comfort should be the concern, making sure a person suffering from dementia is free of pain and discomfort. Again, this often involves partnership with a health care provider, hospice services, and other resources to allow for a peaceful day and hours.

Approach the person in a stage of terminal dementia by being there for them, reassuring, and valuing the moments when connection occurs.
