How Long Does A Stomach Bug Last: Everything You Should Know About It!

how long does a stomach bug last

How long does a stomach bug last can depend on various factors that affect the overall health and well-being of a person. Some of them might include main factors like the age, recovery rate (immunity), and the eating habits of a human being. Well, this is because a stomach bug is basically an intestinal infection that more or less affects all the parts of your body. And clearly, to know the lasting period of this disease along with the treatment method, you first need to understand what the problem of stomach bug actually is. 

Well, in order to spread awareness regarding the same, we decided to come up with this informative blog. Over here, you will not only learn about the lasting duration of a stomach bug. But, instead, you will also get to know about the reason behind it occurring along with the prevention and cure. 

What is a stomach bug?

A stomach bug is just an informal term that is used for a viral infection that basically develops in the intestine but affects the stomach as well. The scientific term for this disease is gastroenteritis. Apart from being referred to as a stomach bug, gastroenteritis is also called by the name of stomach flu. 

The word gastroenteritis was combined using three words: gastro, enter, and itis. The words, when decoded in their scientific language, respectively mean stomach, small intestine, and inflammation. Hence, this clearly indicates that gastroenteritis or stomach bug is a disease that develops mainly in the small intestine and affects the stomach as well by causing inflammation. 

Symptoms of gastroenteritis!

When suffering from gastroenteritis, you might experience different health issues. Some of the most commonly noticed symptoms of a stomach bug are mentioned below. 

  1. Severe stomach ache (you will feel as if there are various knots in your stomach)
  2. Diaherra 
  3. Vomiting 
  4. Headaches and dizziness 
  5. Fatigue and tiredness 
  6. Loss of appetite 
  7. Excessive sweating and thirst 
  8. Mild fever (below 104 f)

Depending on your overall health, immunity, and age, you might experience either all the mentioned symptoms or a few of them. However, stomach cramps and aches, vomiting, and diarrhea are some things that everyone will experience for sure when suffering from gastroenteritis. 

How long does a stomach bug last?

Stomach bugs have different phases of occurrence. These phases include everything, from the source of development to the time taken for recovery. Hence, the lasting period of a stomach flu depends on the duration of these phases as well as various other factors. Let us understand about the different stomach flu phases in a detailed manner. 

  1. Exposure to the virus

Duration: Not Applicable

The initial stage of developing any health disease is by getting exposed to it. The same goes for a stomach bug as well. It is an infectious disease that can physically transfer from one person to another. Hence, there is a chance that you will develop this viral disease in your surroundings. Depending upon your lifestyle, you might be exposed to this disease when being with your school mates, colleagues, travel mates, friends, etc. However, you will witness no symptoms of gastroenteritis in this phase. 

  1. The incubation period

Duration: 1 to 3 days

After being exposed to the virus that leads to the development of a stomach bug, it is now time for its incubation. The virus particles will start multiplying by copying the other cells and particles present in your body. Similar to the first phase, you will not experience any gastroenteritis symptoms here as well. Well, this is because your immune system is still not able to identify these foreign particles. As a result, the virus will go on multiplying. 

  1. The phase of acute infection

Duration: 2 to 3 days maximum

As of now, the virus particles that cause a stomach bug have multiplied a lot. Due to this, your immune system has identified them and further registers a red alert. This is basically done to indicate that there is a threat present in the body. As a result, all the fighting cells will be activated in their inflammatory mode and further fight the foreign particles. This is the time when you will start to experience the symptoms of gastroenteritis. Well, these symptoms will eventually stop when the immune system has fought all the viruses and foreign particles in your body. 

  1. The recovery stage 

Duration: 1 to 4 days (depending on your immunity and recovery rate)

Once you are over the stage of acute infection, you won’t experience any symptoms of a stomach bug. But this does not mean that your body has fully recovered from this disease. The damage caused by the virus will make you weak. Additionally, all the dead foreign particles will not be eliminated from your body at once. Instead, they will gradually get eliminated through your stool and urine. Once this is done, your body will recover entirely, and you will be back to normal. However, this will require you to rest properly and eat a healthy and balanced diet. 

So, how long does a stomach bug last?

Well, from the above information, it can be noticed that a stomach bug might generally last somewhere between six to eight days. Also, it was noticed that for people who have a weak immunity and take some additional time to recover, the condition of gastroenteritis might even last for more than ten days. Additionally, this lasting period will also vary on the basis of the severity of infection and the type of virus present in the body. 

What are the causes for the development of a stomach flu?

As of now, we all know that stomach flu is a viral disease. Hence, it is very clear that contagious virus particles are the primary source that leads to the development of this health condition. However, you might or might not be unaware of the fact that there are precisely four types of viruses that cause gastroenteritis. Also, there are further two main virus categories that severely attack your small intestine and further cause a stomach flu. Let us briefly discuss each one of them. 

  1. Rotavirus

Rotavirus is one of the major causes that leads to the development of a stomach bug in kids. This particular virus severely attacks infants and small children who are below the age of two. Well this is because rotavirus is usually present on a surface. Kids might get gastroenteritis when they touch that particular surface and further put their finger in their mouth or consume food with the same hand. Also this virus can spread through food items as well.

Rotavirus is a mild virus. It leads to the development of gastroenteritis in small children because they have a comparatively weaker immunity. Additionally, adults who possess weak immunity and improper health are also at risk and can get infected with this particular virus. 

  1. Norovirus 

Norovirus is a food borne virus. Any food that is contaminated with norovirus possesses the ability to cause gastroenteritis. Hence, both kids and adults are at risk of developing a stomach bug when they consume contaminated food. Noroviruses are known for multiplying at an incredible speed. Additionally, it is a very strong virus. Hence, you can develop stomach flu if you consume even a small bite of the contaminated food.

Also, a stomach bug that is caused due to norovirus spreads very speedily. You might come in contact with this virus when eating or sharing contaminated food. Also, this virus might enter your food when kept on an already infected surface. 

  1. Adenovirus

These viruses are generally known for causing health issues and diseases that are related to our respiratory system. These include examples like a common cold, sore throat, pneumonia, pink eyes, etc. But, as per research, it was found that adenovirus can also cause various issues related to the gallbladder and the stomach. Gastroenteritis is also one example. Irrespective of your age, you might develop a stomach bug if you mistakenly consume or come in contact with the adenovirus particles. 

  1. Astrovirus

The particles of astrovirus basically generate from dirty water. This might include wastewater, water that is left unattended for a long time, sewage and gutter water, etc. Hence, this clearly indicates that astrovirus is a water borne virus. Similar to the rotavirus, astrovirus is also known for causing a stomach flu in kids. It specifically targets kids who are below the age of three. 

Poor kids who live near gutters or children who play in areas situated near sewers are more likely at risk and can develop a stomach flu by coming in contact with the astrovirus particles. 

Who is likely prone to developing a stomach bug? 

You can develop a stomach flu when you come in contact with the virus that is responsible for causing it. However, there are some specific categories of human beings who are at even more risk. Some of the people who are more likely to catch this viral intestinal infection are mentioned below. 

  1. Infants and small kids (because of immature or underdeveloped immune system)
  2. Older adults (with the passage of time and an increase in their age, the immune system becomes less efficient and does not perform its function effectively)
  3. School children, event managers, and people who travel in public transport (anyone who operates in groups or regularly comes in contact with a lot of people is prone to get exposed to the viruses that cause stomach flu) 
  4. People who possess a weak immune system (irrespective of their age, anyone who does not possess a strong immunity is at risk of developing gastroenteritis)

Complications of gastroenteritis!

Irrespective of how long does a stomach bug last, there are basically no complications of it. This clearly means that a stomach flu is an uncomplicated as well as a limited time period disease. Even if left untreated, it might vanish by itself. But this ultimately depends on the efficiency of your immune system and its ability to fight off diseases. If you have stronger immunity, it is possible that your stomach flu will go away on its own, without any medication and treatment. However, the case will be reversed in case you possess a weaker immune system. 

People with low immunity might experience some noticeable complications of gastroenteritis. This will further depend on the severity of their infection as well. Hence, let us have a look at the possible complications that can occur in case of a stomach bug. 

  1. Severe dehydration (due to loss of natural fluids from the body; electrolytes)
  2. Excessive thirst 
  3. Dark yellow urine 
  4. Loss of appetite 
  5. Excessive tiredness and body weakness 
  6. Difficulty in passing stool (dry and hard poop) 
  7. Dry tongue and flaky lips

Precautions to follow for preventing gastroenteritis

There are various precautionary measures that you can follow to avoid the development of a stomach bug. Most of the points listed above are related to personal and overall hygiene. Hence, carefully read them to prevent the development of a stomach bug further. 

  1. Washing your hands

Regularly wash your hands with a disinfecting soap or liquid hand wash. This is mandatory after returning from the toilet, before and after consuming and cooking food, etc. Ditch using sanitisers and use them only when necessary. It will be best if you avoid using a sanitiser when soap and water are available. 

  1. Regular cleaning and disinfecting

Clean your house on a regular basis. You may utilize disinfecting cleaners that are available on the market. Also, make sure you regularly do dusting and clean unused household stuff like showpieces, paintings, and other home decor items. 

  1. Wash your fruits and veggies before consuming

Clean your fruits and vegetables with appropriate products like a fruit cleaner machine or vegetable wash. Doing this is mandatory to eliminate all the viruses and bacteria that might be present on these items. 

  1. Separate your personal stuff

Try to use personal items separately at home. It will be best for you to use separate tooth brushes, towels, daily-wear slippers, blankets, etc. Also, you can prefer using different utensils while eating. 

  1. Stay away from unhygienic and unhealthy food

Avoid eating food items that are prepared in an unhygienic way. Also, ensure proper hygiene and safety while cooking your food at home. Apart from washing fruits and vegetables, clean the cooking surface as well. Also, wash each and every utensil before using it for cooking purposes. 

  1. Eliminate going near to the person suffering from stomach flu

Maintain considerable distance from any person suffering from this viral infection. Doing this is essential because the virus particles take no time to transfer from one person to another. As a result, there is a risk that you might come in contact with the contaminated viruses and further develop a stomach bug. 

  1. Wash infected laundry separately

If someone in your house is infected with this small intestine viral infection, it is possible that the virus particles are present on their clothes, bedsheets, blankets, and pillows as well. Hence, to avoid further spreading gastroenteritis, make sure you wash their laundry separately. Do not mix it with your regular clothes and bedding. Also, proper safety measures should be taken while doing the laundry. Wear gloves, use disinfecting agents, and further clean your washing machine once you are done washing. 

  1. Acquire proper vaccination

Get yourself and all other members of your family vaccinated (if available in your country/geographical region). At present, stomach flu is becoming a common health issue. Due to this, various countries have introduced vaccination for the same. Hence, if the immunization for gastroenteritis is available in your country, consult a health specialist and further go for it. 

When should you visit a health specialist?

In the rarest of rare cases, some people might develop an insanely severe viral infection in their small intestine and stomach. In this case, their stomach flu will not go away on its own. Additionally, you will witness various disturbing symptoms at once. In this case, it will be mandatory for you to consult or visit a health care specialist. Immediately see a doctor in case you witness either one or all of the symptoms mentioned below. 

  1. Blood in your urine or poop
  2. If you have not pooped or urinated for 36 hours
  3. Unmanageable diarrhea and notice blood in your vomiting
  4. Excessive loss of fluids from your body
  5. High fever
  6. Unbearable pain in the abdomen
  7. If your symptoms have not improved four or five days after developing a stomach bug

Winding up 

This was our blog on how long does a stomach bug last. From the above information, it is clear that viral gastroenteritis will generally last for five to seven days. However, depending on your immunity as well as the severity of the infection, a stomach bug might last for a longer or shorter duration. Over here, we also listed specific preventive measures that you can follow to avoid the risk of developing the stomach flu. Additionally, these measures will also prove beneficial in recovering from gastroenteritis. Hence, make sure you follow all the precautions and see a doctor when necessary. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

  1. What is a stomach bug?

A stomach bug or stomach flu are basically informal terms used in place of gastroenteritis. It is a health condition that develops as a result of viral infection in the small intestine and stomach. It is a common health condition that can affect people of all ages. 

  1. How long does a stomach bug last? 

When talking generally, it is believed that a stomach infection caused by viruses generally lasts for five to seven days. This duration might change depending on various factors like the overall health and age of a human being along with the severity of the infection developed. 

  1. How long will it take to recover from a stomach flu? 

The recovery stage starts once the phase of acute infection ends. Hence, you will recover from the weakness caused by gastroenteritis in a maximum of four days. This duration might extend or shorten depending on your immunity as well as recovering power.

  1. Is it normal for me to feel dehydrated when suffering from gastroenteritis?

Yes! Dehydration is a common symptom that indicates a stomach bug. Hence, when suffering from the same, you will feel very dehydrated. This is because you might experience diarrhea and vomiting, due to which no fluids will be retained in your body. 

  1. Should I go to work when suffering from stomach flu? 

It will not be a wise decision to go to work when suffering from gastroenteritis. Well, doing this might expose other people to the same issue. Also, when deprived of proper sleep and rest, there is a possibility that you might not fully recover from the stomach bug and further re-develop this health issue. 
