Signs of Colon Cancer in Women Not to Ignore!

Signs of colon cancer in women not to ignore!

Colon cancer is one of the deadliest cancers of all! It can affect both men and women of all ages. It is curable if diagnosed earlier. The symptoms of colon cancer might confuse women and it is essential to have the right knowledge regarding the disease to prevent it from getting worse. Colon cancer grows slowly and it takes time to show the symptoms. That is why knowing the early signs of colon cancer in women is so important.

How common is colon cancer?

As mentioned, this cancer is one of the deadliest cancers and it is the 4th most common cancer. The disease is common, 1 in 23 men and 1 in 25 women is said to get colon cancer. However, it depends on the risk factor and the stage of cancer the patient is in. According to, more than 53,000 deaths occur in 2024 in the U.S. and the death rate has been reducing in older adults in the past few years. 

General Symptoms of colorectal cancer

Before jumping into gender-specific symptoms, let’s look at the common symptoms of the disease.

Rectal Bleeding

If you spot blood in your stool then you might be alarmed! The stool might look dark brown.

Changes in bowel movements

If you have continuous diarrhoea or notice changes in your bowel movement that last for several days, it can be a possible symptom. You might also feel constipated often.


While this is common, you need to track down your persistent feeling of weakness. If that remains even after resting, you need to visit your doctor to consult.

Signs of Colon cancer in women

While the signs of colon cancer are common in both genders there are specific signs that women alone experience. These signs might be subtle but noticing it earlier can improve treatment outcomes.

Pelvic Pain

One of the most common symptoms of colon cancer in women is experiencing pelvic pain or discomfort. But you will not be able to differentiate the pain as it could be for various other reasons as well. So, a proper diagnosis is what will tell you the right cause of the pain.

Noticing changes in the menstrual cycle

Your body might feel stressed which results in irregular periods. The disease doesn’t affect your hormones but you might notice some changes in the blood flow. 


You might experience blood loss through rectal bleeding. This can result in Anemia, which reduces the blood cell count. Symptoms like weakness, persistent tiredness, and pale skin can be some of the signs to consider. If you happen to have anaemia all of a sudden, seek attention immediately.

Unexpected Weight Loss

Women might face unexpected drop of their weight within a short period of time, even when they are not trying for losing their weight


It is advised to seek doctor’s help immediately if they vomiting continuous for more than 48hours on a regular interval of time.

Some other Signs of colon cancer in women

Here are some of the other signs of colon cancer in women:

  • Shortnes of breath
  • Bloated stomach
  • Urge to have more bowel
  • Cramping

Risk Factors for colorectal cancer in women

Specific risk factors could be the cause of colon cancer in women;

  • Age factor – Women over the age of fifty are said to be on the riskier side of getting colon cancer
  • Hereditary – Family history and hereditary conditions could also be the reason.
  • IBD – women suffering from inflammatory bowel disease or Crohn’s disease are more likely to get colon cancer.
  • Poor diet – Consuming highly processed meats and red meat can also be a cause. Slowing down consumption by having lots of fiber, fruits, and vegetables can aggravate the disease.

How to prevent colon cancer in women?

While certain causes of the disease like hereditary cannot be changed, you can reduce  the risk of developing the disease by taking precautions and changing in lifestyle including;

  • Proper diet – Following the diet routine by consuming high–fiber foods, veggies and fruits can help.
  • Exercising regularly – Engage in a physical activity
  • Quitting smoking – Smoking is highly linked with the risk of colon cancer. So, stop smoking if you find any of the symptoms mentioned above. Also, seek proper evaluation immediately.
  • Quitting alcohol –  If you consume alcohol, then you need to stop taking it as it could also spike up the disease’s severity.  

How to diagnose colon cancer?

There are various options to detect cancer. Talk to your doctor and determine which is right for you. 

  • Colonoscopy – The first choice for diagnosing colon cancer is the colonoscopy. This detection involves finding the polyps and removing them. Colon cancer could be prevented if the polyps are removed properly. If untreated these turn into cancer.
  • Stool DNA test – This test involves looking for precancerous DNA in the stool
  • CT Colonography – This test involves radiation.


Q1. What is the first symptom of colon cancer?

The first symptom of colon cancer is the blood in the stool. If you experience it then seek immediate help.

Q2. Can colon cancer be cured?

Colon cancer is highly treatable and the treatment involves removing the polyp to be free from the disease.


Now you know the signs of colon cancer in women! This condition is a serious health concern and needs immediate treatment if diagnosed. Changes in lifestyle and diet could help with the treatment outcome and promote overall well-being.
