Side Effects of Masturbation in Male Once A Week

Side Effects of Masturbation in Male Once A Week

What Is Masturbation

It is a way of attaining sexual pleasure. Men rub their genitals and anus or any other part of their body and follow it to the point of orgasm. Stimulation involves use of hands, sex toys, fancy sexy accessories and rarely the use of mouth. It can also be performed with the help of your partner or you can do it all by yourself. 

Is Male Masturbation Healthy? 

It’s a natural and healthy way to learn your sexual fantasies and discover that it makes you feel good. This solo player match not only allows you to get sexual release but also includes some health benefits such as releases stress, provides relief, boosts your mood and activates your body. It also improves your sleep.

There has been several research and studies over such activities, experts agree that masturbation is a completely normal process for human beings and it is a healthy sexual behavior although It is considered inappropriate behavior but it is an intensely private sexual behavior that even friends don’t discuss it with each other.

Is It Good For A Man To Masturbate Daily?

It is considered completely healthy and there is no further evidence that could prove it wrong, mastaurbating everyday is totally normal, healthy and safe, it depends person to person some do it twice or thrice a week, many man choose to do it once a week, some play once a month and many men do not masturbate at all. It is completely fine to do it daily but if it becomes a continual habit and you do it several times a day it may cause a health issue. It may affect your energy levels, daily life and activity. It may also lead to weakness, fatigue, early ejaculations and may inhibit sexual activities with your partner.

Masturbating daily and doing it several times a day can lead to addiction which causes negative impact on mental and physical health, also affects your relationship with your partner and reduces your activity levels for daily routine. Although it helps in releasing stress and stabilizing your mood. If someday you miss out on regular orgasm it can increase stress levels and lead to mental health issues.

Explain The Benefits Of Masturbation In Male

Masturbation is a part of healthy sex life and research reveals plenty of health benefits for men it is beneficial in the following ways:

It Helps In Lowering Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that sits under the bladder and in the front of the rectum. It is a very common cancer among men when the abnormal growth of cells in the prostate gland grows out of control and forms a malignant tumor. There have been several studies and it is found that men who ejaculated more than 21 times a month reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 33% then those who did it 7 times a month or less, the more you ejaculate in a month the chances of prostate cancer decreases.

It Makes You Firm And  Harder

All men want to keep it harder for more pleasure. The regular sex or masturbation keeps the pelvic floor muscles toned up and prevents erectile dysfunction and incontinence. The smooth muscles of the penis need to be rushed with oxygen, choosing to masturbate three to five times a week may give good results.

It Helps In Lasting Long During Sex

Men want to last long in bed to keep her partner happy and always to be more in demand for her but all this goes in vain if you haven’t had enough practice, as generally penis  firmness doesn’t last long in bed. You need to extend your timing, train yourself by timing how long it takes you to orgasm, if it takes 2 minutes then you must practice it to finish next time for three minutes masturbating everyday helps you in lasting long during sex.

It May Boost Immunity 

Masturbation causes ejaculation that increases the level of the hormone, cortisol which helps in reducing stress and also regulates your immune system in small doses. 

Regulates Your Mood

When you do it five times a week then you are doing good to your body. As masturbation releases feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine and Oxytocin that helps in regulating your spirits, boosts your satisfaction and activates the happy circuits in your brain. 

Helps You Fall Asleep

There are several reasons that help you to fall asleep or get good sleep but you can do this one little thing also to improve your quality of sleep. Masturbation helps in orgasm release which releases a chemical serotonin and Oxytocin in the brain which are linked with the feelings of happiness and relaxation so next time if you find yourself turning at night trying a little relaxation technique would be helpful.

What Are The Side Effects Of Masturbating

  • Your daily life gets affected 

Practicing masturbating once a week has no side effects on their health. But if the person is persistent with the activity, then it can disrupt its daily life. It can cause excessive tiredness, fatigue and low activity levels.

  • You may feel guilty

Masturbation is a healthy natural sextual arousal but in some cultural and religious beliefs it is prohibited which can cause guilt and shame in a person. Well, this stigma around this activity can cause mental disturbance and problems with erections.

  • Social Isolation

Masturbation addiction is a negative side effect on a person’s health. It can be dangerous if practiced compulsively. It can lead to social isolation as society continues to see it as a deviant, shameful and dirty act. It brings feelings of sadness, guilt and introvertness. You may not find yourself comfortable talking with others as well as you feel difficult to enjoy recreational activities

  • It can cause Inflammation

After being not in practice for long and doing it once a week only it can cause inflammation  in the genital area including skin rash and redness. When a person does not masturabete too much like once a week only it causes no issues but reaching overstimulation, doing rough handling can cause damage to the skin. Decreased masturbation can lead to sensitivity of genital area

  • Change in sperm count

Whether you masturbate once a week or daily it won’t affect your sperm count or ability to get someone pregnant moreover it helps in releasing stress and physical tension in your body, continuously producing sperms even after several ejaculations. This won’t deplete sperm counts There is no evidence suggesting the effect of masturbation on low sperm count.

  • Increased prostate sensitivity

The more the number of ejaculations the lower the risk of prostate cancer but if you don’t masturbate it could cause prostate sensitivity. It is a rare problem in young age but the risk is higher when you have reduced sexual activity men over the age of 50 are at greater risk of prostate cancer.

Male who Masturbation once a week gathers very few side effects, but on a healthy side it releases stress and tension from the body by nurturing the system with endorphins, they trigger a positive feeling in the body and can lead to sound sleep.

As men begin aging naturally they also lose muscle tone even in the penis.  Masturbation is a way of exercising and toning the pelvic floor muscles that helps in preventing erectile dysfunction and incontinence.

Masturbating releases feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine and oxytocin that lifts your spirits, boosts your satisfaction, and activates the happy circuits in your brain.

It also helps in enhancing your relationship with your partner.

Is Ejaculating Once a Week Is Good

There are no fine numbers that would suggest how many times a week you must ejaculate. It’s not harmful to do it several times a week but you must make sure that you are not getting addicted to it and doesn’t hurt yourself you must be conscious about safer sex strategies and feeling comfortable

How Excessive Masturbation Is Harmful To A Man’s Health

Generally mastarbating has no side effects, it causes no issues until it’s moderate,  excess of anything is  harmful. Masturbating excessively can cause:

  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • early ejaculation
  • may also inhibit sexual activities with your partner
  • injury to the penis
  • vision changes
  • lower back pain
  • testicular pain
  • hair loss

If you get excessively involved in masturbating, then you must divert your excessive energy to the right path, such as :



listening to music

joining dance classes

following an exercise routine such as aerobics, running, cycling, swimming etc

If you find yourself unable to control your persistent habit then you can seek counseling from a psychiatrist or a counselor as it can also be related to mental stress.
