Why Shih Tzu Are The Worst Dog

Why Shih Tzu Are The Worst Dog

Its actual origins are unknown, Shih Tzu undoubtedly descended from lion-like Tibetan holy dogs and have existed for centuries. They are also known as Shittsu, Chinese lion dogs and chrysanthemum dogs. It is believed that they originated from Tibet and China.

The breed of Shih Tzu comes with some interesting facts and the one is that they are also called chrysanthemum dogs as they resemble a lot to these flowers and this flower also holds cultural significance in China.

Let’s learn more about this dog’s flower power

Due to their distinguished canine background Shih Tzu has always been a peculiar  choice. Belief and Cultural significance makes you follow the same path, many people believe that it is a sacred breed  as it originated in the Royal Palace of Chinese emperors where the breed lived exclusively for several centuries. That is the reason why they have always been regarded with a certain respect.

Undoubtedly this lively breed does cause a unique charm. Shih Tzu is naturally intelligent and has a sweet loving and  devoted behavior. Their beautiful lion-like appearance absolutely makes you feel tempted to take them home.

They are highly famed and liked for their long silky hair and it is true that their coat requires maintenance, however it is a part of the joy of owning this breed because they need less exercise than other breed dogs. They are low maintenance dogs.  

The best part about Shih Tzu is that they are small enough to fit into most homes setups with the maximum weight of 18 kg 17.5 lbs.

Training a Shih Tzu can be a little difficult at first. They do have their own minds but with little persuasion they can do better however kids develop into well mannered adults with a little mild  forcing and a lot of support along the way. The maximum age of it is 20 which is also a good longevity, your companion can live for a long time with you.

The amazing fact about them is that they appear to be liked by the celebrity community a lot. Beyoncé, Bill Gates, Colin farrell, Mariah carey and even Queen Elizabeth 2  are the famous people who owns the Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a  strong little dog with a small snout and large dark brown eyes. They have been described by their head shapes as “owl head” and “lion head”, and their mouth as “frog mouths” and their lips as “earthworm lips”. They have a soft and long double coat that will tangle and mat easily if not brushed at least every 2 or 3 days. 

A Shih Tzu should stand no more than 26.7 cm (1012“) and hold an ideal weight of 4.0 to 7.5kg (9 to 17 lbs). Their floppy ears are covered with long silky hair, and their tail is always curled over the back. The coat may be of any color and  a very noticeable feature is the underbite, which is required in the breed standard.

Are Shih Tzu friendly dogs?

They are good dogs and get along well  with people  of all  ages whether kids, young ones, adults or old people. They are extremely affectionate and friendly in behavior. A good com[panion is what you  need. They make great companions and are liked  for their positive traits such as loyalty and devotion  to the family.

  • They sare social an love going out 
  • They easily adapt  their  surrounding
  • They are preferred mostly for their gentle  and playful  behavior
  • People who suffer from  allergies  can easily  live with them  as they are low shedding animals.

What are bad things about Shih Tzus?

They are very affectionate in nature and adapt to various living situations but there are things negative about them. They require a lot of grooming, contain potential stubbornness and are certain to some health issues. Their short noses can make it hard for them to breathe and they long for a lot of grooming. Their habit of barking a lot is another thing that makes people annoyed. The most common problem is that they have cute flat faces. They may get too hot. Their long errors can get wet and infected. This is why it is important to take them to vet regularly to keep them clean and prevent these problems

Is Shih Tzu the worst dog ever?

They  are not the worst dogs however they are known for their affectionate personalities. Let’s read below to know  why Shih Tzu is the worst dog ever.

Grooming needs

Dogs are lovely companions. People keep them as pets who are cute dogs. One can easily get tempted to have one. The worst part of them is that they need a lot of grooming. It is essential for the silky and flowy fancy fur coat that needs to be brushed everyday to prevent them from matting, tangled and messy look grooming regularly shedding although they are low-losing hair, it also helps in removing dirt oil and other substances that prevent skin irritation or infection. The regular grooming distributes natural oils that enhances bonding and helps to detect potential health issues.

They have several health issues

The disadvantage of having Shih Tzus as pets is their health  conditions. They can face problems like hip issues, dental issues, obesity, allergies and eye diseases. They don’t live as long as some other breeds & can be expensive to care for. They  can be worse with these problems but all dogs are not the same. They are unique. With proper care and attention you can manage many of its conditions.


A good dog means well-trained dog and  training them  is a challenging thing to do. That’s why they are following the category of worst dog. It is hard to train them because they do not listen and like to do what they want. You have to be patient and consistent in your training method. They respond best to training methods based on rewards and please.

Separation Anxiety

Shih Tzus can be worse dogs if they are left alone for a long period of time. They easily get scared and upset about their surroundings due to which they bark a lot at things and prefer to go inside the house which does not make a probable choice for every pet lover to take his pet. 


They very often get affected by allergies that cause itching and  inflammation in the ears and elsewhere. The worst part is that if they don’t get treated in time, it can cause pain to your dog and discomfort to your convenience..

High Maintenance

They are cute and adorable pet dogs. They demand love and care from their owner. They like being around them and easily get sad or anxious if they are alone for too long 

Temperament Changes 

You may face temperament issues with Shih Tzus. They are usually friendly and loving, but each dog is different. Some may be shy and  cautious around new owners, while others may get very excited easily.

Long-Term Commitment

Shih Tzus can live for more than 10 years, so owning one means that you need to take care of them for a long time. You can have a Shih Tzu if you’re ready to take on all responsibilities.

Why do some people think Shih Tzu are the worst dogs?

There are not many reasons that can stop anyone to take him as pet but certainly there are few that may not fit well for someone are not many reasons but at why would not love to adopt sheet issue as a pet but certainly they are few reasons that may not work well for someone the most basic reason is that they are little dogs and many people do not like small dogs they have gapy box that can be HaDue to health problems many people avoid taking them as pet according to Healthy pause Health Insurance the common elements include interviable disc disease where cushion between the vertebrae pushed into the spinal cord rash on hearing they are so little that they may struggle to reach some areas if they are two high secondary 

They have short snouts that’s why Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome is common. This is a condition where a dog is born with compressed airways making it more difficult for them to breathe. And this could get even worse if the dog is overweight. 

They easily  catches eye problems

They are very cute little dogs with bright brown eyes, they can  easily suffer from eye issues such as cataracts, retinal detachment, corneal dryness, general inflammation and a degenerative condition called progressive retinal atrophy. 

They are prone to respiratory issues

Their body shape is unique; the heads, faces and airways are shaped in such a way that they are susceptible to breathing difficulties.

Allergies in dog

It is recommended that you keep a close eye on your Shih Tzu’s skin health. If you notice them licking the paws, rubbing the face and ear then these are the most common signs of allergies. it’s best to consult your vet.

Do Shih Tzu barks a lot 

Dogs are prone to barking but this breed of dog is a little too much. The reason is that they want to communicate so much while they are in the window, on the brighter side they are good watch dogs. 

Do Shih Tzus like to cuddle

Absolutely! Yes, they like to cuddle a lot. It makes them feel loved and secure. They show a sense of bonding, warmth, comfort, and mentality. They also feel protected, but sometimes it may not be good days for them. They may feel stressed or anxious which may cause them discomfort which is why they don’t feel safe and to reduce its stress. He finds cuddles the best option to overcome their issues. They are also very friendly and affectionate animals. They will thrive well  on attention from their owners.
