Worst People In History- Humanity’s Greatest Monsters

worst people in history

The world has gone through a lot to attain peace and harmony, the architects of inhuman practices tried everything like killings, genocides, riots, wars, famines, ruining of economic growth to become one superpower but these worse people of history never realized that their practices caused disaster and ill effect on the innocent people, their decision undoubtedly were horrific which caused years of suffering for people left behind.

Below here is the list of people known for their heinous intentions , shockingly evil deeds, acts done aiming to harm people or the whole civilization and the atrocities committed by the worst people in the history, let’s read further:

Dr. Josef Mengele

A man who is called the ‘Angel of Death’ describes how evil that person was in history. The list of worst people in history isn’t complete without the name Dr. Josef Mengele. He was a German physician and officer during World War 2, he conducted shockingly evil and inhumane deadly experiments on  the  Prisoners  of Auschwitz. He performed atrocities on the innocent people who were the victims of war and were prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps; he selected victims and brutally murdered them in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Mengele presented his unacceptable, insane, unrightful and undignified  behavior by conducting such ruthless experiments.

Dr Joseph Mengle was among 50 physicians who served at Auschwitz, he was not a very high ranking doctor but his actions feared others the infamy of his experiments on humans makes him more perpetrator, he saw the prisoners as the opportunity to perform experiments and continue researches into genetics and heredity, he performed experiments on twins  including amputations limbs, infecting the other twin with typhus, transfusing the blood of infected twin to the other  and also experimented to change the  eye color  including injecting chemicals  into the eyes of living subjects. ‘SS’ originally a paramilitary organization that provided security to the Nazi Party sent 1. 3 million people including men women children and adult of different National and ethnic backgrounds to the  Auschwitz, where these people were selected by medical professionals to conduct experiments ruthlessly as they could never feel the pain of those innocent people, no mercy was shown upon them,

Dr. Mengele became the stereotype for the mad scientist, he was a sinner, violator, criminal, and perpetrator for who crossed all ethical boundaries to satisfy his lust for knowledge. In 1979 in Brazil He died of a heart attack while swimming.

Mengistu Haile Mariam

There is no lack of the worst people in history, their  atrocities describe how dangerous  evil, heartless and  unprincipled people were living on the gods land. Mengistu Haile Mariam was an Ethiopian former politician and former army officer who was the head of state of Ethiopia from 1977 to 1991 and General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Ethiopia from 1984 to 1991.

In 1974 Emperor Haile Selassie was murdered by the array of Ethiopian opposition  groups, soon the The military leaders got involved in the revolution and eliminated monarchy and its political competitors Mengistu raised to power in 1977 and initiated  the period of Red Terror; it was the murderous Derg regime in Ethiopia.

The greed of power and trying to bring things under one control can never do any good. He did many atrocities on the people which led to mass murders and execution of former officials  within the imperial government.

Mengistu rose to power in 1977 and brought the policies to modernize  the economy of Ethiopia alongwith Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist lines. Land, companies, banks, etc., were all nationalized. Farmers were compelled to join collectives. The free market was abolished. Not surprisingly, it was a disaster. People suffered famine  and economic destitution was widespread.

Mengistu’s lust for power was not satisfied, during his regime 1.2 to 2 million people were killed brutally, even the students were cruelly seen as suspected government critics, or rebel sympathizers hanging from lampposts each morning. Several opponents of Mengistu were murdered by him  by strangulation or shooting

Mengistu created hell for the people living there  a series of droughts and famines affected  Ethiopia, an agricultural economy was instituted ruined by the forced collectivization of farms and the relocation of entire populations which led to the withdrawal of Soviet support further  this led to the fall of  weakened Mengistu’s power, and in May 1991 he summarily resigned his post and fled to Zimbabwe.

Idi Amin

How one can be so brutal that he is listed in the category of worst people in history. Idi Amin is the infamous example of this he was given the name of ‘butcher of Uganda’ ruled there as dictator of Uganda and meanwhile in 1971 he launched his military coupe lot before 1971 his behavior worsened and bagan showing his merciless deeds, during the 1970s soon the economy collapsed as a result of expelling Asian and giving over their businesses  to his friends however the Asians were lucky in comparison to his merciless suppression of rival ugandan tribes which resulted in Tens of thousands of death in his reign which calculated to be the lives of half a million people, You  won’t believe his mercilessness of  feeding victims alive to Crocodile he claimed that he has be headed political opponents and kept their heads in his freezer despite the fact that he found human flesh to be too salty in general. This  level of his cruel, perpetuous behavior and criminal acts claimed  him the title of Lord of all the beasts of the earth and fishes of the sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa, He was in power from January 1971 until April 1979.

In 1979 He went into exile first in Libya then Iraq and finally in Saudi Arabia where he lived until his death in 2003 He never had any guilt for his actions and brutal deeds. He was the subject of a Hollywood movie, Last King of Scotland

Saddam Hussein

The most brutal and the worst person in history who terrorized his own people with his violence he ruled Iran with an iron fist for thirty years he prospered his power on the theory of spreading fear, terrorizing people but he never calculated that his policy of taking over the world was a myth and fatal mistake.

He was the  president of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. He just wanted enormous power and control in his hands no matter how much it cost with human blood. He was spreading violence fear

intimidation and terror amongst his own people, he sent a powerful message to anyone  who would oppose him at a meeting  of senior government officials or in any other offenses he would immediately take actions with execution. In  1980 he launched attack on Iran a deadlock and the million people died at the conclusion of the conflict, invaded Kuwait in 1990 causing 85,000 deaths in the first Gulf War after the war the deaths were countless it apprised claiming the lives of more than 150000 civilians, he showed no mercy upon innocent people and mercilessly killed people, but his power toppled in 2003 by American  and Allied forces  he was sentenced to death  by hanging he was executed on 30 th December 2006.

Mao Zedong

World is full of worse people who find peace in cruelty, criminal offenses, causing violence, torturing innocent people and never failing in outperforming perpetuous skills. The list contains another face of cruelty that is Mao Zedong whose legacy is mass murders.

You can never imagine how inhumane he was with his intentions The ironic appellation ‘Great Leap Forward’ forced China agriculture to be collectivize considerably which was the most atrocious evidence of his rule, he never gave a thought on his inhumane  Policy which  was a deadly combination of lies about grain production disasters farming methods  and improper distribution of food  which caused the worst famine recorded in the human history. The fatal death in several chineses villages were more than the 50 percent of its population the total number of people died in1959 to 1961 was between 30 million and 40 million

Mao was born in 1893 and was influenced by the revolution of 1911 he later became a founding member of the Communist Party of China and became its chairman he led battles within China and fought against the Japanese and in 1949 he was the leader of the national government of the Republic of China in the country’s civil war. He was a successful guerrilla fighter.

His cruel intentions never stopped  the Great Helmsman ( it  is a Chinese honorific title most commonly refers to Mao Zedong (1893–1976) launched  the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution” in 1966 and this revolution lasted until his death in 1976

The goal of this revolution was to preserve Chinese communism by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society. Millions of people were victimized mistreated and suffered public humiliation, unpredictabl;e imprisonment, torture, hard labor, and execution. Mao Zedong  practiced  controversial methods  to claim China as asuperpower in the world  his policies were disastrous and destructing resulting in millions of deaths When Mao died in 1976, the country was suffering from poverty and low per capita income. China had lost over 55 million lives. If the world follows such leaders then the end of the world is not very far.

Pol pot

The Khmer Rouge, a radical  communist movement, was led by Pol Pot. In 1975, he toppled the authoritarian  government of Cambodia and began to establish a communist perfect world. It came out as no surprise that it was more horrific and brutal than Dante’s Seventh Circle of Hell. His goal for generating a culture of agriculture  forced the urban residents to move out into the country to work as laborers  on collective farms. All  RESIDENTS of the community were forced to wear the same boring black uniforms, which made their outfits look stylish, and money was abolished. Glass Wearers were among the intellectuals who were ruthlessly killed. Approximately 25% of the population died as a result of this social engineering experiment, which was made prominent by the Hollywood film ‘Killing Fields’. After four years, his dreadful administration was overthrown by invading Vietnamese forces.

Führer Adolf Hitler

List of evilness and the worst history of the people is incomplete with its topmost candidate. Adolf Hitler responsible for deliberate killings of estimated 19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war. He had no empathy for people. He was cruel, evil and heartless man

He came into power in January 1933 and became the dictator of Nazi Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. He rose to power as the leader of the Nazi Party, becoming the chancellor in 1933 and then taking the title of Führer und Reichskanzler in 1934..

In  his dictatorship, he conquered all opposition and forced  intimidating propaganda to promote his evil ideas of the superiority of the Aryan race, nationalism, militarism, anti-communism, and anti-Semitism. He is responsible for the catastrophe, the persecution and murder of millions of Jews. His mad chase  for revenge, conquest, and ethnic cleansing was acquired In December 1941, the whole of Europe was under his control and fear.

His unconventional ideas and the prowess of the German soldiers and generals brought the world on the brink of disaster.

During world wat II Germans lost Stalingrad  battle it was won by the Soviet Union, the Third Reich lost battle after battle, and in May 1945 Hitler committed suicide when allies forces begin to take inward position, Germany unconditionally surrendered to allies after the brutality over the extent and massacre.  The country lay in ruins, six million Jews were murdered, and World War II mourned some 55 millions dead. Worse people always bring worse results through invading humanity’s peace and harmony.

History has seen bloody wars, botching of innocent humans only for the lust of power and super control and criminal minds who never blinked for a second while killing and causing atrocities on mass people. The world only needs unanimity, peace and calmness.
