The Smartest Person in the World and Other Brainiacs

The Smartest Person in the World and Other Brainiacs

Smart people are genius, talented and excellent in their field they are thinkers, definitely countless hours of dedicated thinking, there way of processing information and knowledge is different and deeper than millions of people around them smartest is the superlative degree of comparison of an adjective ‘smart,’ smartest means person having extraordinary high mental quickness and thinking ability. The smartest person in the world is certainly exceptionally talented and intelligent. The world is full of intelligent geniuses that have served in various fields. who changed the world and still many are doing the same. There have been and are brilliant minds serving in the field of betterment. Brilliant geniuses like Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein all had innovative, inventive and creative ideas that revolutionized the world, improved the standard of living and their ideas lived on, long after they are gone.

Whether you turn to history or the present you will be amazed to know of the influential geniuses. Let’s meet with the genius minds around and learn about the smartest persons in the world which included geniuses from various fields.

Paul Allen

Paul Allen

Who does not know about billionaire Paul Gardner Allen, he was an American prodigy, a businessman, computer programmer, researcher, investor, film producer and philanthropist. He is popularly known for co-founding Microsoft Corporation with his friend Bill Gates in 1975 which was a brilliant start-up that revolutionized the computer world.

Paul Allen reportedly had an IQ of between 160 and 170. He was born in 1953 in Seattle. He studied at Washington State University but dropped off in 1974 and then soon Gates dropped his studies from Harvard. The two founded Microsoft in New Mexico in the following year, but soon he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1982, Allen resigned from Microsoft in 2000, but he remained in an advisory capacity. He has great love for education and other fields and never stopped himself in supporting various programs of different fields. He made donations open-heartedly for science, education, conservation, arts and technology.

Resignation from Microsoft was not the retirement he worked thereafter too,  he was a stakeholder in various companies such as technology and media ,he is also the owner of the Seattle Seahawks and the Portland Trailblazers and partly owns MLS team the Seattle Sounders.

The genius mind was never at rest his curiosity made him to launch the Allen Institute for Brain Science in 2003 he did not settle here and founded Stratolaunch Systems in 2011 that supports space exploration technologies. It is one of the most eminent space transportation companies in the world.

Christopher Langan

Christopher Langan & Spike Jonze Interview

He is the smartest person in the world with an IQ level between 195 and 210. Christopher is an amazing person, he struggled a lot in childhood and young age,  he was born in San Francisco in 1952, he was always an independent learner and has a unique  capacity of learning things on its own, he followed self studying  method in high school isn’t he is a special kind of genius and the smartest person in the world, he also applied self tutoring method to study Advanced Maths Physics philosophy Latin and Greek, you will be amazed to know that he scored a perfect score of 100 in SATS without being affected by several naps during the test. After being so capable he couldn’t obtain any support from his family and teachers for further studies, his continuous efforts and strong will power led him to develop his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe which presents a cognition between mind and reality. the. He is also an American horse rancher and autodidact.

Judit Polgár

Judit Polgár

She is gifted, talented and a genius chess prodigy, Judit is the smartest person in the world with an IQ of 170, she was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1976. In January 1996 she became the world’s only woman ever to be ranked in the top 10 of all chess players. You can understand now how genius she is, she has several chess accolades and titles in her name which she got at the tender age of 11 and 15.

Judit is just not the greatest female chess player in history.but also among one of the smartest person in the world

She bagged her first grandmaster title at the age of 11 and grew up as a child prodigy. She is the only female member in the list of genius Top 100 players in the World Chess Federation, she is Genius and smartest chess player with impressive  accomplishments, she gracefully conquered victory over nine world chess wizards including Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov. At the age of fifteen, the Hungarian National Championship held  in 1991, earned her the title of youngest grandmaster in history.

Marilyn vos Savant

Marilyn vos Savant

She was born in 1946 in Missouri she holds the Guinness Book of World Records and known as the smartest person in the world with an IQ of 228, as the highest IQ, she is an American author and columnist since 1986 she still rights the column “ask Marilyn” in Parade magazine, she is also a elite member “one-in-a-million” IQ society, the Mega Society.

Garry Kasparov

Garry Kasparov

It’s the most eminent name in the history of chess games,  he was born in 1963 in Baku, now Azerbaijan. he is a Russian Chess  Grandmaster, 9 to 2000 Former world chess champion, highly interested in political activities and a writer. The highest FIDE chess rating of 2851 owned by Garry Kasparov was surpassed by Magnus Carlson in 2013.

He has many legendary victories to his name he was ranked the world’s number one chess player for a record of 255 months and holds records for several professional tournament victories, chess Oscars not only this in 1980 the smartest person in the world Garry Kasparov was titled as Grandmaster and five years later he was announced as the youngest world champion in the history of chess playing. He is the most celebrated chess player of all time with an IQ of 190. In 2005 he retired from chess.

Terence Tao

He is a mathematics genius born with numbers on his fingertips, he was born in Adelaide in 1975 his extraordinary achievements defines him as the smartest person in the world. Terence Tao is an  Australian former child prodigy you will be amazed to know that at the age of two, he began solving math problems, by the age of nine he was studying college level math courses, he became the youngest gold medal recipient in International Mathematical Olympiad just at the age of 13  in 1998  and this record still stands today. In 1992 Tao achieved a master’s degree in mathematics from Flinders University in Adelaide, then in 1996, aged 20, he earned a Ph.D. from Princeton University, He is now a mathematics professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Scott Aaronson

He is an American scientist and Schlumberger Centennial Chair of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin. His primary areas of research are computational complexity theory and quantum computing. He was a genius in mathematics from an early age he studied calculus at the age of 11 on his own, he explored programming at the age of 11 and felt that he has left his peers behind who are still learning coding. He bagged a bachelor’s degree in computer science from University of Cornell in 2000 and four years later he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He is an associate professor in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Schlumberger Centennial Chair of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin

His efforts obtained him great achievements and added several capabilities to his work profile, his research works are quantum computing and computational complexity theory.

Scott Aaronson, one of the smartest person in the world  was honored with  the Alan T. Waterman Award in 2012 for  his research work in the field of quantum computing and computational theory

John H. Sununu

He is an American politician who served as the 75th governor of New Hampshire from 1983 to 1989 and The White House Chief of staff  he is the smartest person of the world as with an IQ level of 180 he was born in 1939 in Havana, Cuba to an African father and salvadoran mother

He studied Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in 1961 and masters degree in 1963 and PhD degree in 1966, he also worked as professor at  Massachusetts based Tufts University until 1968 between 1983 and 1989 Sununu served as the governor of New Hampshire.

Kim Ung-Yong

He was born a genius with an IQ score of 210. He was born in Seoul on 8th march, 1962. Kim Ung-Yong could already read Korean, Japanese, English and German when he was just three years old. He is one of the smartest person in the world with a great IQ. When he was just eight years old, Kim joined NASA. He holds  a doctorate degree in physics, although this is unconfirmed. In 1978 he moved back to South Korea and earned a Ph.D. in civil engineering.

Magnus Carlsen

He is a world chess champion and the Highest rated Player of all time he was born in Norway in 1990. Heholds many achievements he qualified Grandmaster in 2004 when he was just 13 years old, In 2010 at the age of 19, Carlsen became the world’s youngest number one-ranked player.In 2013  at the World Chess Championship, he defeated Indian grandmaster Viswanathan Anand and took the title of world champion. He is recognised as the smartest person in the world and has four chess Oscars, Carlsen modeled for G-Star Raw, and the media house dubbed him“the Justin Bieber of chess.”

Akshay Venkatesh

He is the smartest person in the world known for his mathematical work and a former child prodigy. This mathematics genius was Born in India in 1981 and brought up in Australia, he has several accolades in his name he owns a bronze medal won at the International Physics Olympiad in 1993, at just the of 11 and the countdown didn’t stop her he got one more name in his name a year later for International Mathematical Olympiad, he obtained his honors degree in pure mathematics from the University of Western Australia In 1997, He obtained his Ph.D degree from Princeton University i.e at the age of 20. This amazing mathematician is now a professor in Stanford University’s mathematics faculty.

Grigori Perelman

He is a Russian mathematician known for his contribution in the field of geometric analysis and geometric topology in 2002 he cracked the poincare conjecture which is one of the most waiting and complicated problems he was offered the fields medal prestigious honor but he declined to receive the award stating that it’s unfair he believed his contribution is equal just like any other mathematicians. He is the first mathematician ever to say no to the prestigious Fields medal. In 2010 he repeated his actions and was denied the prize money of million dollars for solving Poincaré conjecture. He stated that“I know how to control the universe. Why would I run to get a million, tell me?”

Andrew Wiles

Andrew Wiles is one of the smartest persons in the world He is known for providing for fermat’s last theorem for which he was awarded with Abel prize in 2016 and copley medal in 2017. He was born in Cambridge, England on 11th April 1953.  He received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Oxford University in 1974, followed by a Ph.D. from Cambridge in 1980. He worked as a professor at the prestigious Universities such as Princeton and Harvard in 1985 he was awarded a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship, which procured him visit to Paris’ École Normale Supérieure and the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifique in Paris 1985- 86 which changed the direction of Wiles research. The 71 year old genius mathematician bagged Royal Society research professorship at Oxford.

Edward Witten

He is an American theoretical physicist and an amazing scientist known for his contribution to string theory, M-theory,  topological quantum field theory and supersymmetry, isn’t he the smartest person in the world, he was born on 26th August 1951 in Baltimore, Maryland United States. Witten attended Brandeis University for BA and Princeton University for MA and PhD.. His work is marked and has been awarded with a Fields medal by the International Mathematical Union, the Dirac Prize, the Albert Einstein Medal and the Nemmers Prize in Mathematics are also some awards on his magnificent profile.

Stephen Hawking 

He is the smartest person in the world known popularly for his work in the field of astrophysicist, he has an IQ level of  160 – 170, he was born in 1942. He received the bachelor’s degree in 1962 And for the higher studies of cosmology he moved to Cambridge at the age of 21 he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease with his deteriorating health he gave up on his passion for studying the unknown however he overcame this phase with the help of her fiance and first wife jane Wilde soon he obtained his academic goals and completed its Phd. in 1965.

This pure genius is famous for his 1988 book, A Brief History of Time,  that illustrates theories on black holes; he was seen several times in various TV shows like  The Simpsons, Futurama, and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
