How To Get Rid Of A Hickey: Some Effective Ways To Consider!

How To Get Rid Of A Hickey:

A hickey is generally considered a sign of love. It depicts some bite marks that might appear on your skin after indulging in sensual activity with your partner. Well, this is the reason they are also known as love bites. These bite marks are generally reddish-purple in color and often appear like a bruise. Even though these marks are a sign of love, you will not wish to display them openly. Hence, as a result, you will look for ways on how to get rid of a hickey.

There are some ways that can help you in removing love bite marks from your skin. But before you know them, it is essential to understand the reason behind their occurrence and how long they can remain on your skin.

For how long will the hickey stay on my skin?

Whenever your partner bites or sucks a particular area of your body part, the blood vessels present under the skin tend to break. This further results in a bruise appearing on your skin, which is termed a hickey or love bite. These blood vessels will require some time to heal. Clearly, the healing time will depend on the level of damage caused. Hence, if you have a small hickey, it might last for two to four days on your skin. But, in case the love bite is enormous and covers a lot of area, it can last even up to fifteen days. 

A hickey is generally believed to vanish on its own. Additionally, there is no way that you can remove this love mark immediately from your skin. Hence, searching for how to get rid of a hickey in an hour is of no use. However, there are specific methods that can help you lighten the hickey marks fast. Also, there are various tips that you can consider to hide your hickeys immediately. Let us now move forward with the same. 

Some effective methods on how to get rid of a hickey fast!

Listed below are some effective and practical tips that you can consider to lighten your hickey mark fast. The best part is that all these home remedies include basic things and ingredients that are readily available at home. Also, these things cause no further side effects after application. 

1. Apply some naturally extracted aloe vera gel

If you wish to get rid of a hickey fast, you can apply some natural aloe vera gel to the affected area. It is believed that aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory and other healing properties. Hence, when applied to the love bite, it will help reduce the swelling and pain as well. For faster and more effective results, it is recommended that you apply naturally extracted aloe vera gel at least two to three times a day. 

It would be best if you avoid using packaged aloe vera gel, which is available on the market. This is because packaged products contain a lot of added preservatives and chemicals. Also, some aloe vera gels have a lot of added fragrance. Hence, using them might not be an effective way to get rid of hickeys fast. 

2. Utilizing a cold compress

Cold compress is generally used in areas with swelling. Well, this is because when exposed to cold, the blood flow of the affected area decreases. Hence, you can apply a cold compress to your hickey to reduce the swelling and inflammation. There are various things that can be used for the same. For example, you can utilize a chilled spoon, an ice pack, or a small piece of cloth dipped in ice water. Also, if comfortable, you can directly apply ice to your love bite area. 

You are advised to apply a cold compress to your hickey at least three to four times for at least two days. Also, consider using the cold compress for about ten minutes. Doing this will efficiently reduce the bruise and remove it faster. 

3. Utilizing a hot compress

Two days after applying a cold compress, you should start using a hot compress to reduce the marks of your love bite. This will help increase and establish a regular blood flow, which will further heal your skin faster. As a result, you will get rid of hickeys fast. 

The application of a hot compress is very simple. It is similar to the way you apply a cold compress. Hence, apply heat to your hickey for ten minutes at least two to three times a day. 

However, there are specific considerations that you need to follow while doing the same. Make sure you don’t apply heat directly to your skin. You can use a hot bottle or a small piece of cloth dipped in warm water. Ensure that the heat level is moderate and can be tolerated by your skin. If not, there are chances of burns, rashes, and irritation. 

4. Try massaging the bruise area with a banana peel

Not only the edible part of the banana but the peel of this fruit is also believed to be enriched with various vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. Well, this is why you will often see this point included in the methods on how to get rid of a hickey. 

You can rub the affected area with a ripe banana peel to reduce the bruise mark. Doing this for ten minutes, twice or thrice a day, can help with getting rid of a love bite faster. 

5. Consider applying topical creams

If you wish to get rid of a hickey fast then it would be the best if you applied topical creams to it. In this case, Vitamin C and Vitamin K topical creams are the best options. 

Vitamin C creams are used to achieve a smooth as well as healthy skin texture. These creams also help increase the formation of healthy skin cells, eliminating the damaged and dead ones. On the other hand, topical creams that contain Vitamin K are known for removing scars and bruises within no time. Well, this is the reason Vitamin K is found in most of the scar-fading creams. 

You can either utilize a topical cream that contains both these Vitamins to reduce the love bite mark present on your skin. Or else, you can apply two separate creams as well. 

Ways to cover up your hickey immediately

The methods that we listed above will help you reduce and lighten your love bite mark faster. However, they will not help with completely eliminating it immediately. This is because healing of the skin is a natural as well as a time-consuming process. And clearly, there is no natural or practical way to remove a bruise/hickey from your skin immediately.

Then, how to get rid of a hickey immediately? Well, the answer is ‘by simply covering it.’

There are some particular ways that you can use to cover up your hickey immediately. Some of the main and most practical ones are listed below. 

  1. If you have a love bite on your neck, the best option for covering is to wear high neck clothes. You can prefer wearing a turtleneck shirt or one with a collar. This will help you hide the sign of your love from openly displaying in public. Additionally, you can also cover the same with the help of a stole or some other neck accessories.
  2. Utilize your hair to hide your love bite. Simply create a hairstyle by putting your hair on the front, in a way that they cover your hickey. 

Note: This tip is only for females or males that possess long hair.

  1. Covering your hickey with makeup is also an effective as well as easy method that you can consider. In this case, ditch the foundations and other makeup products and go for a concealer instead. Also, it would be best if you used a green or dark orange concealer. Further, add a layer of skin color concealer and finish with a translucent/skin-colored powder. You can also use a compact to achieve a natural look. 

Important things to consider when getting rid of hickeys faster!

Apart from following the methods to remove love bite marks faster, there are some important things that you should consider. These include some basic health tips that will further speed up your hickey removal process. All of them are listed below. 

1. Switch to mindful eating and consume a protein and mineral-rich diet

Consume a healthy as well as balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals. This will help with reducing inflammation as well as speeding up the process of new cell/tissue formation. Also, foods rich in antioxidants will directly improve your body’s overall blood circulation. As a result, your hickey will vanish faster. 

2. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and other tobacco products

It would be best if you avoid consuming tobacco, smoking cigarettes, and consuming alcohol. All these substances are known to interrupt the blood supply. Additionally, they can cause severe harm to the blood vessels. Hence, it would be very hard for you to get rid of a hickey while continuing to consume either of these things. 

3. Let your hickey rest for a while on your skin

How to get rid of hickeys fast? Well, simply let the affected area rest while not regularly disturbing it. Avoid continuously massaging the area around your love bite. Doing this will allow the blood vessels to rest and heal faster. This will further result in reducing the hickey marks. 

4. Avoid getting hickeys on the same spot

It would be best to ask your partner to avoid giving a love bite in the area where you already have one. For example, if you have a hickey on the right side of your neck, don’t let your partner bite you at the same place. If not, doing this might lead to additional damage, swelling, and pain. Clearly, it will become very hard for you to get rid of hickeys in this situation.

Winding up

This was our blog on how to get rid of a hickey fast. We listed some practical as well as effective home remedies over here. The best part is that you can select any one of these methods to effortlessly lighten your love bite marks. Additionally, we also listed some ways that will help you hide your love bites immediately. Hence, you can use a combination of these tips to eliminate them faster. Also, it would be best if you considered all the health-related tips that we mentioned. Doing this will let you get rid of a hickey in no time. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to get rid of a hickey?

There are various methods that can be considered to remove the love bite marks from your skin. Some of the most effective ones include rubbing naturally extracted aloe vera gel, utilizing a hot as well as cold compress, and using topical creams that mainly contain Vitamin C and Vitamin K. All these things can help you quickly get rid of hickeys.

2. How can banana skin help with getting rid of love bite marks?

It is believed that banana peel contains a lot of essential nutrients. Additionally, it is enriched with various healing properties as well. Hence, you can rub a banana peel over your bruise mark to make it lighter. 

3. Why should we avoid massaging the area around the love bite?

Love bites occur when the blood vessels present below our skin are damaged. Massaging and continuous disturbance can delay the healing process of blood vessels, further causing the hickey mark to stay longer on your skin. Hence, if you wish to lighten and eliminate your hickeys faster, you should avoid massaging that particular area and let it rest for some time.

4. How can consuming alcohol and smoking cigarettes delay the process of eliminating hickey marks?

Cigarette smoke and alcohol can worsen the swelling and pain caused by hickeys. This is because they both generally interrupt the blood supply of our bodies. Additionally, they also reduce our body’s healing capabilities. Hence, it is advised that you should quit smoking cigarettes and consuming alcohol if you wish to eliminate the love bite marks faster. 
